"Muslims can be bought, Islam cannot." says The Halal Jihadist As 'Muslim Countries' around the world turn their backs on the plight of the Uyghurs' of Xinjiang Province of China, in exchange for foreign investment as part of the communist parties Silk Road initiative, campuses are brimming with the din of Islam. Surveillance of Students @ McMaster University, in Ontario by Chinese Consultant https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/angry-over-campus-speech-by-uighur-activist-students-in-canada-contact-chinese-consulate-film-presentation/2019/02/14/a442fbe4-306d-11e9-ac6c-14eea99d5e24_story.html
[Halal] what is permissible + [Jihadist] the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin